App UI and UX
By leveraging technology, the MINDFREE system helps people live a healthier lifestyle. Native iOS mental health training app ready to be launched. Android version will follow.

Role: Art Director | UX Designer
Tools: Figma | Photoshop | Illustrator | After Effects | Zeplin | Whimsical
Design process: Research & UX Design | Prototyping & Testing | UI Design
The brief
This project, which was split into two phases, included the development of a mental health app. As part of phase one, we challenged the Design Thinking Process, the Lean UX Strategy, and the Atomic Design Principles. Additional features are added during the second phase. By leveraging technology, the MINDFREE system helps people live a healthier lifestyle. Although MINDFREE gave me creative freedom and flexibility, it had three requirements:
It must be possible for users to create a profile that includes key information that matches their goals
Setting goals and tracking progress is essential for users
The wellness coaches should be able to view the user's stats
My Contribution
I started my process with secondary research to understand better mindfulness, meditation, mental health, and the mental wellness industry.
There are six dimensions of wellness - physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and occupational. After doing a bit of research on each dimension of wellness, I chose to work with emotional wellness through the lens of mindfulness and meditation. 
Revising the flow
The first step was to analyze the flow and overall aesthetic appeal of the app. After that, my job was to simplify the process as much as possible make it intuitive for the users, and improve the entire app's visual appeal. 
The most important part of the project was re-designing the onboarding flow that ensures a seamless experience for the user.
I had to look at the current way the app was structured to make sure no flow pits would be carried on. Since this was an existing app there wasn't too much room for change but we did decide to tidy up with some minor interactions.

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